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THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)
THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)
THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)
THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)
THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)
THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)

TWO LAYER CAKE - THREE TIER | 35 PPL | ø10+15+20 cm

This three tiered cake is perfect for a small wedding or other celebration. All of our cakes are custom made in our Barcelona cake studio. Pick any color or theme for you cake and we will do our absolute best to turn your wishes into edible art!


Regular price

THREE TIER CAKE- two layer (35 PEOPLE)

TWO LAYER CAKE - THREE TIER | 35 PPL | ø10+15+20 cm

This three tiered cake is perfect for a small wedding or other celebration. All of our cakes are custom made in our Barcelona cake studio. Pick any color or theme for you cake and we will do our absolute best to turn your wishes into edible art!